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Quiz À qui appartiennent ces citations ? - BTS

62 joués - il y a 1 an

Édition BTS ! Quiz parfait pour les Armys !


Réponses à donner dans l'ordre
A qui appartiennent ces citations ? Les Réponses !
1.Beach ! B*tch ?
2.I know her face, but I don't know her name.
3.Listen boy, my first love story !
4.Jimin, you got no jams !
5.Bad guy... bad bad guy.
6.Lajimolala ?
7.Hope, Peace and Just Dance !
8.I like my face.
9.I got my peaches in California ! - Oh yeah shit
10.Isn't that Jimin's normal voice ?
11.Tomorrow x together !
12.I'm V and I'm a good boy !
13.Our Kookie's farts are loud !
14.Look how you lie so easily when you're drunk !
15.Cutie, Sexy, Lovely !